
Film & Television
"Last Days of the Space Age", Disney Plus, 2023 - Hiroshi
"Invasion", Apple TV+, 2021 - Akira Hashimoto
"The Terror: Infamy", AMC, 2019 - Henry Nakayama
"Perisher" Short film, VCA, 2017 - Takeshi (lead role)
"Coat of Arms" Short film, CAAMA, 2016 - Japanese Tourist (lead role)
"RICEBALLS" Short film, A-Train Productions, 2015 - Kenji (lead role)
"Here Comes The Habibs", Channel 9, 2015 - Mr. Chan
"Thugs Love" Short film, Sydney Film School, 2014 - Chen (lead role)
"Paper Planes" Feature film, Paper Plane Production, 2013 - Compere
"Unbroken" Feature film, Universal, 2013 - Corporal Kono
"Backyard Ashes" Feature film, Crow Crow Productions, 2012 - Taka
"The Wolverine" Feature film, 20th Century Fox, 2012 - Driver
"Emperor" Feature film, 2012 - Okumura
"Fugu & Tako" Short film, Robot Films, 2011 - Chef
“Red Dog” Feature film, Red Dog Productions, 2010 – Shingo
“The Pacific”, TV series (Episode 9), HBO, 2010 – Defiant Japanese Soldier
“The Strip”, TV series (Episode 12), Channel 9, 2008 – Matsuda
“Broken Sun” Feature film, JackaFilms, 2008 – Masaru (lead role)
“Curtin” Tele-movie, ABC, 2007-Tatsuo Kawai
“Make or Break”, TV pilot, UKTV, 2007 - Bruce
“Gary’s Bad Day” Short film, NAFA Productions, 2006 – Gary (lead role)
“Dynasty: The Making of a Guilty Pleasure” Tele-movie, ABC (the US), 2005 – Japanese fan
“Kakio’s Story” Short film, 2004 – Wrote, directed, produced and performed as Kakio
“Go Big” Tele-movie, Channel 7, 2004 – Stock trader
“Somewhere Near Kokoda” Short film, JackaFilms, 2003 – Japanese Soldier
“All Saints” TV series, Channel 7, 2003- Shingo
“The Great Raid” Feature film, Miramax, 2002 – Tower Guard
“Head Start” TV series, ABC, 2001 – Mr Satsu
“Ihaka” Tele-movie, Channel 10, 2000 – Police officer
"The Face of Jizo", Onigiri Productions and Red Line Productions, 2023 - Takezo
"Measure for Measure" Sport for Jove, 2017 & 2018 - Friar Thomas
"The Servant of Two Masters" Sport for Jove, 2017 & 2018 - Il Capitano
"The Floating World" Griffin Theatre Company, 2013 - Waiter
"Coup d'Etat" bAKEHOUSE Production, 2011 & 2012 - Agong
"Underland" Sydney Theatre Company Rough Draft, 2012 - Taka
“Cosi Fan Tutte” Opera Australia, 2009 – Wedding groom
“Someday Suddenly” Tunks Productions, 2009 - Adam
“Miss Saigon” Australian tour, 2007 & 2008 - Ensemble/Assistant Commissar
“Subtle Arts of Flirting” Tunks Productions, 2006 – Elijah
“Uncomfortable Silences” Short & Sweet Festival, 2006 – Nick (Received Best Actor Award)
“Shiba Lane” Pearl Theatre Company, 2005 - Saburo and Doctor
“Sadako and The Thousand Paper Cranes” Canute Productions, 2012, 2009 & 2005 - Father, Masahiro and Doctor
“Animal Farm” A-ha Productions, 2004 – Boxer
“Pacific Overtures” Lyric Theatre Company, 1998 - Manjiro
"Starr Park - Brawl Stars" 2020
"Toyota Camry" 2016
“Servcorp” (Japan only) 2009
“KIA” 2008
“Daikin” & “Wannado (UK only)” 2004
Qantas Airways inflight channel "J-Pop Nation", Presenter
SBS Japanese Radio Program, Producer and Presenter
"Happy Family Plan - DVD2" The Japan Foundation, Sydney, 2010
"Servcorp" Japanese website, 2008